The New Moon is in the Sign of Libra with Sun, Mars and retrograde Mercury.
March 21 - April 20
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, your relationship house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. Arguments and misunderstandings are more likely to occur if you misdirect this energy. Use this time to sort any long standing problems with your loved ones and try to move forward. There will be a lot of people giving you advice, but you should follow your own counsel - think with a calm head.
April 21 - May 21
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 6th house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. You can have a great desire to improve or change your every day routine, and health is the utmost on your mind. This is not exactly an easy time as you may be impatient and could also be dealing with erratic mood swings. Most of you want to start anew and there is plenty of energy but this needs to be channelled correctly. Be organised and don’t rush into anything.
May 22 - June 21
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 5th house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. This lunation makes you feel like you need a lot of things to change in love, romance, dating, creative hobbies and children. Though these areas of life can be stimulating, at the same time they can cause pain if executed in haste. Be mindful and look back in your life to see where the blockages are for you to move forward. Even though there could be slow progress, it is definitely better than false starts and regrets.
June 22 - July 22
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 4th house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. You will feel very excited about your new approach to personal affairs and home life. You should not be in any hurry to change things around you. You need to prepare yourself by easing into the situation by first looking back to see where things have not worked out. If you channel your energy well then you will have plenty of confidence in dealing with any projects relating to your family home and reestablishing your relationships with your loved ones.
July 23 - August 23
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 3rd house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. The desire or need for new beginnings after the New Moon on the 6th relates to communications, studies, learning, connecting and a lot of short travels. Do not be impatient when things are moving in slow motion. Aim to channel your energy and do not engage in any arguments or debates. There can be lots of distractions, but also an exciting time for you to go forward with your ideas and aspirations.
August 24 - September 23
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 2nd house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. The New Moon on the 6th occurs in your sector of resources, money, talents, and personal possessions. Though it is a time of new beginnings we cannot ignore that Mercury is retrograde.This is why being impatient will only create more problems for you and cost you financially and emotionally. It is best to plan before pushing ahead.
September 24 - October 23
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in your sign along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. The New Moon on the 6th feels intense and dramatic. It’s about new personal beginnings, especially your health and you are quite geared up about making changes. There is a tendency to impulsive or impatient behavior. It would help if you were as self-aware to benefit from this transit. You need to be more independent and at times you will have to make quick decisions. Don't be impatient as this will cause you to make mistakes, you really need to be calm as that will come across as taking charge and leading.
October 24 - November 22
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 12th house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. Your private life is especially accentuated. Meditation, yoga, reflection, and focus on mental and spiritual health are big subject matters. Around the New Moon on the 6th, you can feel as if you're unblocking and unloading. It would be best if you could put old problems behind you and move forward. Feelings about the past or a private matter can be complicated, and should be dealt with without hurting yourself.
November 23 - December 21
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 11th house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. This New Moon on the 6th is a time of new beginnings related to friendship, business, networks, and group involvement. Don't look for immediate answers, try to assimilate information before making final decisions. This is a good time to reassess friendships, some of them have come to the end and you should be ready to let go. Any financial decisions you make should be scrutinised thoroughly before any commitments are made.
December 22 - January 20
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 10th house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. The New Moon on the 6th brings a fresh start relating to your career, reputation, responsibilities, performance, leadership skills, and life path goals. You're ambitious, ready to take charge or take the lead. However, be careful and avoid hasty decisions as they could cost you. Be careful when dealing with something that requires good communications and avoid being impatient to gain quick results.
January 21 - February 19
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 9th house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. New beginnings are indicated regarding personal interests, beliefs, publishing, sharing personal philosophy, travel, and other ways of broadening your horizons and life experiences. It may be best to wait until after Mercury turns direct on the 18th before you pour energy into a project that means a lot to you. In the meantime, you should not get impatient if everything is in slow motion.
February 20 - March 20
This week energy levels are particularly high, with the New Moon occurring in the sign of Libra, in your solar 8th house along with the Sun, Mars, and retrograde Mercury in alignment. After the New Moon on the 6th, you're motivated to improve your shared finances, debts, obligations, intimate matters and personal psychology. Your innermost desires are stirred from deep within you. As Mercury is retrograde until the 18th, new ideas and old issues can keep your mind racing until then. You're seeking emotional and physical stimulation, and it makes sense to choose wisely when it comes to putting them into action.